A solar generator is a device that converts solar energy into electricity. It works based on the photovoltaic effect, which means that when sunlight hits a photovoltaic cell, photons release electrons from atoms, creating an electric current. Solar generators consist of multiple photovoltaic cells, usually made of silicon, a material that absorbs sunlight very well.

When sunlight hits a photovoltaic cell, photons hit the surface of the photovoltaic cell, releasing electrons. These electrons flow through the conductive plate, forming a current loop. This current can be used directly for power, or stored in a battery for a rainy day.
To convert solar energy into electricity, solar generators often include other components. One of the important components is the inverter, which converts direct current into alternating current for use in household or commercial electrical appliances. The inverter can also monitor the output of current to ensure the safe operation of the system.

Solar generators also require a battery pack to store electricity. In this way, the stored electric energy can still be used for power supply at night or on cloudy days. Battery packs typically use lithium-ion or lead-acid batteries, which store electricity efficiently and have a long service life.
Additionally, solar generators require a controller that monitors and controls the flow of electricity. The controller ensures that the battery pack is not overcharged or overdischarged, thereby extending battery life.
Here is the solar power generator working process in our factory for your reference!!
In short, a solar generator converts solar energy into electricity by utilizing the photovoltaic effect. It consists of components such as photovoltaic cells, inverters, battery packs and controllers. Through these components working together, solar generators are able to provide sustainable, clean energy for home and commercial appliances.